Sunday, December 13, 2015

That's My Brother!

Copy-pasted from my brother's Facebook (perkongsian Julai lalu):

-Begin Quote-


Pagi tadi saya dan zaujah meng'up'kan selera mengada-ngada untuk bersahur di Encik Kepci di pantai terkemuka Kuantan, Teluk Chempedak.

Seperti biasa sama ada Ramadhan atau tidak, TC dipenuhi golongan pelbagai usia majoritasnya anak muda, malah ramai juga pelajar-pelajar sekolah (without parents)...

Selesai sahur, berdating ambil angin pantai sekitar 5.40 pagi (dah masuk subuh), ternampak sekumpulan anak muda masih sedang 'bersahur' maggi cup & rokok elektronik. Ada lelaki, ada perempuan.

On the way lalu kali ke-2, jam 6 pagi, mereka masih lagi 'bersahur'. Saya dan zaujah dalam senyuman memberitahu, "Dik...Dah subuh dah"
Seorang adik lelaki jawab, "Eh, ye ke kak. Dah ni yang tengah makan ni macamana?"

Kami jawab, "Habiskan yang dalam mulut tu je :D"

"Eh, bbazzir la nanti", jawab adik tu gelak-gelak dan kawan-kawan yang lain hanya senyum.
Kami pun berlalu. Tegur sekadar mungkin mereka tidak perasan waktu subuh sudah masuk. Mungkin tak seorang pun antara mereka memakai jam.

Dan sekiranya mereka tahu sekalipun, mungkin pemahaman & pendidikan mereka tidak sama dengan sebahagian kita yang, alhamdulillah, menerima pendidikan agama yang baik daripada keluarga & guru.

Kami tidak ada rasa jijik & geli dengan golongan adik-adik tadi..kerana yang bermain dalam fikiran hanyalah...

"Adakah dakwah yang kita semua sama-sama sampaikan (semua jemaah, semua golongan) sentiasa canang & uar-uarkan benar-benar tercapai matlamatnya & targetnya."

Jika golongan ibu bapa yang sudah 'besar' dan sudah banyak makan asam garam hanya mendabik dada dengan ego yang tidak berkesudahan, maka sama-samalah kita mulakan dari rebung yang insyaAllah masih ada harapan tinggi untuk dilentur :D

Sentiasa terkesan dengan tagline Tuan Muhammad Rizal M, 'Fasilitator juga dai'e'. Ya, dakwah banyak cara & cabangnya :D


-End Quote-

فَذَكِّرْ إِنَّما أَنْتَ مُذَكِّرٌ
Maka berilah peringatan, kerana sesungguhnya KAMU HANYALAH orang yang memberi peringatan. [Al-Qur'an, 88:21]

...فَإِنْ أَعْرَضُوا فَما أَرْسَلْناكَ عَلَيْهِمْ حَفيظاً إِنْ عَلَيْكَ إِلاَّ الْبَلاغُ
Oleh itu, jika mereka berpaling ingkar, MAKA KAMI TIDAK MENGUTUSMU (wahai Muhammad) SEBAGAI PENGAWAS TERHADAP MEREKA; tugasmu tidak lain hanyalah menyampaikan... [Al-Qur'an, 42:48]

قَدْ جاءَكُمْ بَصائِرُ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ فَمَنْ أَبْصَرَ فَلِنَفْسِهِ وَ مَنْ عَمِيَ فَعَلَيْها وَ ما أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِحَفيظٍ
(Katakanlah wahai Muhammad): Sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kamu keterangan-keterangan (dalil-dalil dan bukti) dari Tuhan kamu; oleh itu sesiapa melihat (kebenaran itu serta menerimanya) maka faedahnya terpulang kepada dirinya sendiri dan sesiapa buta (dan enggan menerimanya) maka bahayanya tertimpalah ke atas dirinya sendiri dan TIADALAH AKU BERKEWAJIPAN MENJAGA DAN MENGAWASI KAMU. [Al-Qur'an, 6:104]

وَ ما أَنَا عَلَيْكُمْ بِحَفيظٍ...

P/S: Seperkara lagi. Dalam ayat Al-Qur'an [6:104] di atas, kalian dapat lihat bahawa: yang bertanggungjawab terhadap perbuatan dirinya adalah mereka yang TELAH DATANG KEPADANYA KETERANGAN DARI TUHAN. i.e. bukan golongan jahil.

Jadi tumpukan juga perhatian kepada ayat adik saya: "Mungkin pemahaman & pendidikan mereka tidak sama dengan sebahagian kita yang, alhamdulillah, menerima pendidikan agama yang baik". Jadi janganlah kita terlalu bersikap judgmental terhadap mereka yang jahil.

Bagi pendakwah yang judgmental, ini ayat untuk kalian:

وَ أَطيعُوا اللَّهَ وَ أَطيعُوا الرَّسُولَ فَإِنْ تَوَلَّيْتُمْ فَإِنَّما عَلى‏ رَسُولِنَا الْبَلاغُ الْمُبينُ
Dan ta'atlah kepada Allah dan ta'atlah kepada Rasul-Nya, jika kamu berpaling, sesungguhnya kewajiban Rasul Kami hanyalah menyampaikan (amanat Allah) DENGAN TERANG. [Qur’an. 64:12]

Emphasisnya adalah pada frasa "DENGAN TERANG", "AL-MUBEEN". Jadi sebelum kalian memarahi golongan jahil, fikirkanlah terlebih dahulu tanggungjawab kalian menyampaikan amanat Allah DENGAN TERANG.

Atau bak kata adik saya, "Adakah dakwah yang kita semua sama-sama sampaikan (semua jemaah, semua golongan) sentiasa canang & uar-uarkan benar-benar tercapai matlamatnya & targetnya."

Friday, June 19, 2015


[Copy-pasted from]

Forty is a special age. It's the quintessential age of mid-life. It's older than 'young', but younger than 'old'. It's an age where one has typically finished jumping all the hoops that society and education and starting a family require, and where one now looks forward to thinking about the major accomplishments of life, and the legacy that one wishes to leave.

The Qur'an mentions forty as the age of reaching full maturity: “Until, when (man) reaches his maturity (ashudd), and reaches forty years of age, he says, 'O My Lord! Allow me to thank the blessings that you have bestowed on me, and on my parents, and that I perform good deeds that are pleasing to you, and make my children righteous as well. Truly, I repent unto You, and are of those who submit totally to you” [Ahqāf; 15].

No wonder, then, that our Prophet Muhammad ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) actually began receiving inspiration and preaching his message at the age of forty. For forty years, he was merely being prepared for the real purpose of his mission: the call to Allah.

This is the year that I reach that important milestone of life. I do not know what the future holds for me, although of course I have my visions and plans. But it seems fitting for me to pause and reflect upon the last four decades of my life, and ponder over its ups and downs.

I remember vividly many of my thoughts and emotions when I was twenty. It was exactly twenty years ago that I graduated from the University of Houston, and left for the Islamic University of Madinah, beginning a new phase of my life. I began thinking, “If I could, somehow, give my younger self some advice; if I could address the young man of twenty, now that I am forty, and hope that he would listen to my advice, what would I tell him?”

These are the top ten things that came to mind. I hope those of you who are still in their twenties (and perhaps some of you who are older!) will benefit from it.

1) Don't be so certain about your opinions and views.

Arrogance and cockiness define teenage years, and a young man (or woman) at twenty really is just a teenager, plus one. Views about how to live, about interpretations of religion, about how you would do things differently than everyone else in the world – those views typically stem from a naïve and inexperienced view of the world. You will realize that over-enthusiasm and strongly held opinions are the quintessential signs of being young. Don't judge others who disagree with your views too harshly: you just might find yourself holding those same views a few years or decades down the line!

2) The most important source of practical knowledge is life itself.

Continuing from the last point, realize that the single greatest source of wisdom is learnt by living life itself. No matter how many lectures you attend, or books you read, or how deeply you contemplate or think, nothing substitutes the wisdom gained from simply experiencing the world around you. In order to be a good spouse, you need to learn to navigate the ups and down of a marriage. In order to be a good parent, you need to have your own children and learn to take care of them throughout their stages of childhood. In order to be a good human, you need to experience the good and bad of humanity.

'Facts' from books are great, but they must be shaped and seasoned and tested on the playground of life. Appreciate that you might not be in the best shape to judge everything, especially since you might not have experienced those things before. Through experience, and trial and error, one's methods for dealing with all types of problems are refined.

A corollary of this piece of advice (and if I had more than ten in this list, this would be number eleven) is: Respect and benefit from those older than you. Perhaps you know more than an elder about a certain matter (or, to phrase it more precisely: perhaps you think you know more than them about a certain matter), but no matter how knowledgeable you are about quantum mechanics, or investigating sahih hadiths, or understanding the latest psychological theories from your textbooks, you simply cannot match the wisdom of your grandmother when it comes to navigating the intricacies of human interactions and raw emotions.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Turn Your Problem Into A Blessing!

"If a calamity or affliction ends up causing you to increase your duas, and have a better and more personal relationship with Allah...

Then anything that causes you to have a better relationship with Allah is not a calamity or misfortune, but the best blessing-in-disguise possible.

It's not that we want calamities (for we are supposed to ask Allah for a calamity-free life!) but when a problem does occur, turning to Allah can turn that problem into a blessing".

-Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Friday, May 15, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Just because I am right doesn't mean I have to hurt the feeling of others

Tegur kesalahan orang biarlah secara berhikmah.

Sabda Nabi SAW:

يَا عَائِشَةُ، إِنَّ اللَّهَ رَفِيقٌ يُحِبُّ الرِّفْقَ، وَيُعْطِي عَلَى الرِّفْقِ مَا لَا يُعْطِي عَلَى الْعُنْفِ، وَمَا لَا يُعْطِي عَلَى مَا سِوَاهُ
[حديث نبوي رواه مسلم]

"O Aisha, Allah is Kind and He loves kindness, and confers upon kindness which He does not confer upon severity, and does not confer upon anything besides it (kindness)." - [Narrated by Muslim]

"Wahai Aisyah, sesunguhnya Allah itu Maha Lembut dan mencintai kelembutan. Allah memberi kepada kelembutan hal-hal yang tidak diberikan kepada kekerasan dan kepada hal-hal lainnya." - [Hadith Nabi SAW riwayat Imam Muslim]

Di dalam Surah Ali-Imran:

فَبِمَا رَحْمَةٍ مِّنَ اللَّهِ لِنتَ لَهُمْ ۖ وَلَوْ كُنتَ فَظًّا غَلِيظَ الْقَلْبِ لَانفَضُّوا مِنْ حَوْلِكَ

"Dengan sebab rahmat Allah lah kamu berlaku lemah-lembut terhadap mereka. Sekiranya kamu bersikap keras lagi berhati kasar, tentu mereka menjauh dari sekelilingmu" - [Ali-Imran : 159]

Copypaste dari status Facebook Sh. Dr. Yasir Qadhi (2015):

"It never ceases to amaze me how some disagreement between Muslims can make one so rude and foul mouthed.

Do you think you will get your point across by using vulgar words, mocking your opponent, talking sarcastically, and displaying the crudest of manners? Is this what 'being on the truth' teaches you? In that case, I do not want such a 'truth' that teaches you such arrogance, because I know that arrogance is of the most despised traits to Allah.

If you truly believe you are right, prove it by taking the higher moral ground, and being the more humble and kind hearted and soft spoken of the two. Learn from my Prophet (SAW) and yours.

May Allah guide us to the best of manners, for none can guide to the best of manners other than Allah! Ameen."

Sabda Nabi SAW: "Sesungguhnya yang terbaik di antara kalian adalah yang paling baik akhlaknya." - [HR Bukhari dan Muslim]

Sabda Nabi SAW: "Sesungguhnya orang yang paling aku cintai dan paling dekat tempat duduknya denganku pada hari kiamat adalah orang yang paling baik akhlaknya." - [HR Tirmidzi]

- Reminders to self

Monday, April 6, 2015

Famous di Zaman Muda

Wise words from Sh. Salman al-Oudah:

The Harms of Fame

Ibn `Atā’ al-Sakandrī said: "If you are given fame early in life, you rarely succeed later in life."

The road to fame is traversed today with "likes" on Facebook and Twitter and with votes on reality television. It is a path which exposes young people to morally questionable relationships.

A lot of celebrities are deluded about their importance. They forget how they were in the past and how they might yet again become in the future.

Someone asked Ibn al-Mubārak what it means to be conceited. He answered: "It means to think that you have something going for you that others lack." [Sheikh Salman Al-Oudah]

May Allah grant us all humility and humbleness, and protect us from arrogance and seeking fame. Ameen!

Friday, March 27, 2015

Jom Kenali Imam Al-Bukhari!

Presented by Sh. Yasir Qadhi

Presented by Ustadh Omar Suleiman (the lecture starts at 16:03)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Para Sahabat Nabi SAW Dahulu Juga Adalah Manusia Biasa

Once, Abu Bakr appeared in the masjid, walking swiftly, having raised his lower garment so that his shin was visible. Upon seeing him, the Prophet SAW said, 'It appears your companion [meaning Abu Bakr] has been in an argument!'

When he came to the gathering, he greeted the Prophet SAW and said, 'O Messenger of Allah! There was an issue between Umar b. al-Khattab and me, and I got angry [and said some things], but then regretted it. So I asked him to forgive me, but he refused! That is why I came to you.'

The Prophet (SAW) said, 'Allah will forgive you, O Abu Bakr' and repeated it three times.

In the meantime, Umar regretted what had transpired, and went to the house of Abu Bakr, hoping to find him there, but he was not there. So Umar made his way to the masjid, and saw him there. When Umar greeting the Prophet (SAW), the anger from the Prophet's (SAW) face was obvious. After a while, Abu Bakr himself felt pity for Umar, so he half-stood up on his knees and said, 'O Messenger of Allah! By Allah I did more wrong than he did [to me].'

The Prophet (SAW) replied, "Allah sent me to you: while all of you said, 'He lies!', Abu Bakr said, 'He has spoken the truth!' And it is Abu Bakr who has shared with me himself and his wealth [like no other], so will you not leave my Companion (sahibi) alone?!"

So no one ever interfered with Abu Bakr after that. [Reported by al-Bukhari].

Friday, February 6, 2015

Perlukah Muslim Membenci Yahudi?


Pertama sekali, masih ramai Muslim keliru antara istilah "Yahudi" dan "Zionis."

Bila lihat kekejaman berlaku di Palestin, ramai merampang, "Tak guna punya Yahudi!" "Semoga Yahudi semua dilaknat!" dsb.

Tapi ketahuilah saudara-saudari bahawa penganut agama Yahudi sendiri memusuhi negara dan kerajaan Israel.

Pembentukan negara Israel itu adalah agenda Zionis dan bukannya agama Yahudi.
Jadi persisnya, kedudukan agama Yahudi dalam konflik Israel-Palestin adalah:

Muslim & Yahudi seluruh dunia

Mereka berada di pihak kita Muslim.
Ramai menganggap Zionis itu subset fahaman agama Yahudi; tapi sebenarnya tanggapan itu tidak tepat.
Two completely separate entity.

Cuma jika dari segi "bangsa," tentulah sebahagian besar Zionis itu subset bangsa Yahudi.
Pun begitu, ia tidak membantu menjustifikasi kebencian kalian terhadap Yahudi.
Pernahkah Islam mengajar kita memusuhi sesuatu kaum hanya kerana keturunan atau agamanya?
Jelas sekali, tidak.



Sebagaimana kita ketahui, ketika Rasulullah SAW baru berhijrah ke Madinah, baginda sangat bersikap optimistik terhadap kaum Yahudi.

Baginda banyak mengarahkan kaum Muslimin agar mengikuti, menyerupai, dan meniru amalan kaum Yahudi dengan harapan dapat melembutkan hati Yahudi memeluk Islam.

Tapi malang, persangkaan baik itu dikhianati, dan mereka melanggar Piagam Madinah: mencabul wanita Muslim, membunuh lelaki Muslim, bersekutu dengan kafir Quraysh Makkah dalam perang melawan Muslim; membuat percubaan membunuh Nabi, dsb.

Selepas itulah bermula deretan hukuman Rasulullah SAW ke atas Bani Qainuqa', Bani Nadhir, dan Bani Quraizah.

Dan selepas itulah baginda mula mengarahkan kaum Muslimin agar tidak lagi mengikuti, menyerupai, atau meniru amalan kaum Yahudi.

Jadi sebagaimana dapat dilihat, jelasnya, Rasulullah SAW bersikap keras terhadap Yahudi Madinah itu atas kesalahan mereka melanggar piagam, dan bukan kerana keturunan atau agama mereka.

Kalaulah Rasulullah SAW bersikap rasis, tentulah kaum Yahudi Yaman pun tidak berminat menghantar rombongan bagi mempelajari seterusnya memeluk Islam pada Tahun Delegasi 9 Hijrah.


Lihat bagaimana Pendeta Yahudi ini memuji layanan
Muslim dan negara Islam terhadap Yahudi

Sejarah membuktikan kedatangan Yahudi ke negara Islam sentiasa disambut baik oleh Muslim sebagai Zimmi.

FAKTA: Jadi lihatlah di negara-negara Islam sekarang - how the Jews flourished in the Arab lands: di Tunisia, Morocco, Iran, Mesir, Yaman, dll. Yahudi diberi hak sepenuhnya oleh Muslim untuk mengamalkan ritual agama mereka tanpa sebarang gangguan. Hubungan mereka begitu rapat sehingga Yahudi diberi kepercayaan mengasuh anak Muslim, dan Muslim diberi kepercayaan mengasuh anak Yahudi.

After all, the Jews are "ahli kitab," remember?



Ramai Muslim Malaysia mendakwa penganut agama Yahudi dan Kristian hari ini tidak lagi layak digelar ahli kitab.

Hujah mereka: Kandungan New Testament dan Old Testament hari ini sudah tidak sama dengan kandungan Injil dan Taurat yang telah diturunkan kepada Nabi Isa dan Musa AS.

Tapi lupakah mereka Injil dan Taurat sememangnya sudah korup sejak sebelum zaman Rasulullah SAW lagi? Yet the Jews and Christians at his time were still regarded as ahli kitab, even in the Qur'an!

Jadi jelas, pengkriteriaan definisi ahli kitab mereka salah.

Jika Yahudi dan Nasrani di zaman Rasulullah SAW dipanggil ahli kitab, tentulah Yahudi dan Nasrani hari ini tetap dipanggil ahli kitab.



Islam adalah agama yang adil.

Islam tidak pernah mengajar kita memusuhi sesuatu kaum hanya kerana keturunan atau agama mereka.

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah kamu semua sentiasa menjadi orang-orang yang menegakkan keadilan kerana Allah, lagi menerangkan kebenaran dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan. Hendaklah kamu berlaku adil (kepada sesiapa jua) kerana sikap adil itu lebih hampir kepada taqwa dan bertaqwalah kepada Allah, sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui dengan mendalam akan apa yang kamu lakukan." [Al-Qur'an, 5:8]



Adakah anda alergik terhadap Yahudi?

Punca alahan? Mungkin kerana belum pernah jumpa Yahudi yang baik dalam hidup.

Jika begitu, jemput tonton video ini:

Mikhael Elijah: Caucasian by race, Jew by religion

Also, check out Anna Baltzer, a Jewish lady who tirelessly work for the cause of Palestinian rights against Israelis.

Anna Baltzer: Jew by race, Jew by religion